Friday, May 20, 2011

My New Blog

Hello Reader,

I have shifted my blog to new URL, all new posts are available there. It also has current blog posts.

Sakun Sharma -

Sakun College Life -

So please, visit that blog for latest updates.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

College Life

The word “College Life” is much more complex than it seems to be. College Life can be seen from various different points of view. Let’s see what college life is at various stages of life.

Student in college Life:

“Life is fun (aish), friendship (yari-dosti), Ashqui, movies, parties, fights etc” an enjoyable life that they don’t want to end. “Kya din hai yaar… :)”

Just passed out college students:

“College life give us those unforgettable, sweet memories, times, moments those which will never come back” like missing those days and want to be back to them. “Woh bhi kya din thee... :(”

When these same students get married and have two children’s… :)

“College life was for something worth in our lives. It is really a time you cannot forget in life nor can you bring it back. In that age, you are really powerful, the real young blood. But all this power is fruitful if you put in onto the right track at the right time. College Life is the right and enough time to shape you future.

College Life is not for fun, enjoyment with friends via movies, parties, making fun of someone in group, love (ashqui), it is something a lot more worth than this. Friendship, Venue, Stage, Age and Support are the real face and power of college life, all you need is to understand it and use that power in right way at the right time!”
:( ! Sigh ! Face-up ! :)

Wao…!!!! What a statement Uncle/Aunty…!!! But I really mean it !! “WHAT WAS THAT..!!!!!” …

In college life and up to its end we were very happy and talking all about friends and enjoyment. But when we turn old / mature our thinking changes to time to shape your career/future!

WHAT!!!! WHY!!!! HOW!!!!
“What is this?”
“Why is there this thinking GAP for the same thing over time??????”

The answer lies within our lives. Start thinking from the day we joined school. Why we joined it? Simple, parents send us and we joined it. We were too small to think at their level.

What we did in school – teacher taught us, we noted it down, remembered and then again we write the same thing in paper and passed classes on and on and one day we realized school is over, it’s time to join college.

So what we did in school, we learned how to write, draw, remember and then again write back those remembered stuff on piece of paper by recalling our memory. While some others adopted various different methods to recall without disturbing and giving pain to their precious mind…!! :P

We learned many things which may be of our use and most may not be of our use. We learned to follow others, but didn’t know how to develop our own thinking!

But after that we get in to college. Here we get into the field we love to learn or be part of, but only till we haven’t joined that college (while decision making and during admission).

What happens after we join college, why we get so involved into friendship, fun, and enjoyment that we forget what really we joined college for? And after many years we talk like uncle/aunty mentioned before.

It’s the lost focus, because human mind get attracted by enjoyable and easy stuff very easily than brainstorming hard stuff.

Before we joined school we were RAW MATERIAL. After school we were BASIC SHAPED PRODUCT to be POLISHED.

We go to college for POLISHING ourselves, to be a complete independent person who can face challenges on own because he/she is has be passed through such circumstances while his/her polishing stage in college for 4 – 5 years.
But what most college student does in college life, completely destroy him/her from basic shape also, and those who somehow manage to survive in this period and get polished become extra valued people.

Ask yourselves, if you go to market to buy some new product, what will you prefer, a polished one or the de-shaped unusable condition product? Everyone knows that new product is to be tuned as per your requirement, even the recruiters also know this, but it is easy, less time consuming, highly valuable and economical to tune the polished product than unusable model. Think…!!!

There are 3 – 4 kinds of student in college:

1. Those, who thinks college as fun centre, enjoyment, party etc are the one who end up de-shaped models.

2. Those, who somehow manages to polish themselves during this period. They also remain in same environment, but have got some motivation, inspiration acting as shield from wrong environment. In 99.999% cases it’s the family and environment given by them to their children.

3. Those, who lack guidance to the right path and didn’t know how to polish themselves. There can be many reasons for this related to background of family etc. But here comes the role of college staff and management which really creates difference really good college and a college.

4. Those, who feel like they have lost the battle, now nothing can happen, time is lost. For those, I wanted to say only one thing – “Young blood has power to move back from any state and lead to any best state. Until you are unmarried you are Young Blood, after that, time for yourself in your live is OVER”.

Now, question arises how to polish ourselves also by being in such environment and protecting us and also enjoying the real college life?


Friendship, Venue, Stage, Age, Support and God, lets study them in brief one by one:


We all are sent to join some institution for reason. The reason is that they are professionals who can show the best and right path to the students. They can provide the best opportunity to the student to develop him/her self to face any condition by going through and experiencing them. College is that location / situation which provide us all above. Colleges should be rated based on these qualities. At this age student should become independent and should make his/her own notes. Teacher should be there to help student achieving this task rather than making notes themselves and giving to student same as in schools. THIS ISN’T SCHOOL! GROW UP...!!

College management should work on providing opportunities to the students to expose themselves and polish there qualities. College should be motivating and making student aware of these things. Such a college acts as a BIG support for students to get POLISHED.


The age group we are in during our college life is a part of Young Blood age group. In this age group we have no limits. We have such powerful mind, thinking, attitude, creativity that we can almost do anything we wanted. All what we need to do is focus on Positive and use this energy positive side, and we should be honest with ourselves.


Almost every college organizes events. Events are opportunity for students to come forward and remove a sense of fear. Once somebody told me “Our body is fully confident body, but it’s shadowed with the fear. All we need is to remove fear out from our body not insert confidence into ourselves, confidence is already within us.” So, all stage events at various different – different colleges are opportunity to remove fear from within us and bring more self confidence out from within us.


Everyone knows how powerful tool is this. It is such powerful that within seconds it gives you 1000 times more power than SUN and vice versa in case of wrong friend’s environment. Try to form a group of students and do something creative. Try to develop some, or work on something worthwhile for your careers and as guided by elders. A single brain cannot do what a group of brains can do all together. So why not use this tool to better your life as well as other’s also.


We all are created by GOD, we all are part of him. He has given everyone the power of spirituality. He always cares for us. God always give us what we want. GOD always says that you do only one thing (one duty) rest all I will take care of, and really he does also.

So question arises what is that one duty for the college students or student age
group. It is to be a Good Person, just only this. Good Person has very few qualities: -

• Respect everyone from true heart.
• Respect family member.
• Be honest always.
• Trust God.
• For students, study faithfully!!!! :)

Just by being good person and trusting God solves many problems. You are supposed to be just good person, rest all is taken care by GOD.

All the tools, methods, strategies above may not apply to all the students, but there are ways / solutions to find out what really suits you to POLISH yourself. Our focus should be POLISHING ourselves. If we start POLISHING ourselves in above mentioned ways, college life becomes interesting and enjoyable with all these POLISH stuff.

All we do, work hard, get better jobs should have final and ultimate motto of being happy. Happiness comes from within us when we are internally satisfied, we are internal satisfaction and internal satisfaction comes when you really has done hard work and achieved success.

“Behind every successful person there is Female”, and before marriage its “Mother” not “Girlfriend” and after marriage you’re “Wife” not “Outsider”. Before Marriage “Girlfriend” and after marriage “Outsider” both leads to destruction, so be aware of it.

We still have time and the best part we are Young Blood with family and GOD support. :)

Thank You

Written By: Sakun Sharma

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Examination of Life

God is a great examiner, we are all students.
This life is the answer book
On which we write our answers.

This world is the examination hall
Where all are sitting to take the examination.
The time allowed is three hours,
The first bell rings in childhood,
The second in youth and the third in old age.
The last bell is the call by the messenger of death.

The examination is over –
The answer sheet is snatched
And life meets its end.

Do not cheat – the examination is everywhere.
Don’t waste your time writing useless stuff.
You will get no credit if you sit idle and write nothing.
Write down what you know so that you do not have to say:
“The paper was lengthy and time was short.”

If you fail, you will come back to same hall –
If you pass, you go to heaven
And return no more.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Are you busy in real thing???

SATAN'S MEETING ( Read even if you're busy )

This is not only a good read but also food for thought, and I'm not too busy to forward this. May these words speak to everyone of us.


Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.

In his opening address he said,

"We can't keep people from going to pray."

"We can't keep them from reading their holy books and knowing the truth."

"We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their God ".

"Once they gain that connection with GOD, our power over them is broken."

"So let them go to their prayers; let them have their covered dish dinners,BUT steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with GOD.."

"This is what I want you to do," said the devil:

"Distract them from gaining hold of their GOD and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"

"How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.

"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered.

"Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow."

"Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles."

"Keep them from spending time with their children."

"As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work!"

"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice."

"Entice them to play their Walkmans and Ipods while going out and the radio or cd player whenever they drive." Keep the TVs, CDs and their PCs on constantly in their homes, so that they are in their own world and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-religious music constantly."

"This will jam their minds and break that union with God."

"Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers."

"Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."

"Invade their driving moments with billboards."

"Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes.."

"Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and TV so their husbands will believe that outward beauty is what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied with their wives.

"Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night."

"Give them headaches too! "

"If they don't give their husbands the love they need, they will begin to look elsewhere."

"That will fragment their families quickly!"

"Give them distractions to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of life."

"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive."

"Have them return from their recreation exhausted."

"Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God's creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead."

"Keep them busy, busy, busy!"

"And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences. "

"Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from GOD."

"Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause."

"It will work!"

"Yeah! It will work!"

" You bet, It is quite a plan!

The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing people everywhere to get busier and more rushed, going here and there.

Having little time for their God or their families.

Having no time to tell others about the power of GOD to change lives.

I guess the question is, has the devil been successful in his schemes?

You be the judge!!!!!

Looks like! Lets change!

Does "BUSY" mean:


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Silent Effect of Environment on Human Mind

This is a small life story of a boy named George, who was just transferred to a town of Philadelphia. He was 18 years old. He had just shifted here because of his parent’s job. He was fond of music. Whenever he got time, he used to play his guitar. When he joined school, he found a group of students. Soon he joined that group because of lonely feeling. The group was of four students and they called it “Team GLRR” (George, Larry, Ron and Rick).

They enjoyed their life by means of parties, drinks, etc. Ron was most notorious among them. Now, George started spending most of his time with his group. He hardly found time for his family and interests in music. The whole group was enjoying life to the most. This effected George’s study. Earlier, he always score marks above 83% and now came down to 63%. He started returning home at late night.

George’s parents started feeling more concerned about him, they decided to talk to him. Next day when George returned home, his parents tried to talk to him, but George neglected his parents for the first time and went to his room. Before he could sleep, he thought what his parents were trying to tell him and he realized of changes come in him due to the company of this group of students. So, he decided to change himself back to his original life.

Next morning, he apologies to his parents and promised them that this will not happen again. He shared his decision with his friends, but they made fun of him. But George was affirmative this time and he deiced to leave the group. He remained away from the company of this group.

One day, Team GLRR found George very upset and asked him to join them and relieve his stress. They took George to Club where they made him to drink. Next day, George was again back to that group and become regular drinker.

One day when annual results were declared, George found himself failed in all subjects, but he found that his friends were passed. After seeing result, George was badly hurt. When George’s father got the news of his failure, he got an attack and was shifted to Hospital in emergency.

For many days, George remained in hospital to take care of his father. During non visiting hours of hospital, he got time to be alone. Whenever he thought about his past in which he wasted his precious time in bad company, he was disturbed a lot. Now he was able to realize his responsibilities and the value of time. He also becomes aware of company and environments, how these silently affects the persons without letting them know. So he decided to be in some good environments, so that he can adopt good habits and attitudes. He decided either to be alone or join a good company.

He could not find any good company to his expectations and decided to be alone. But whenever Team GLRR comes in front of him, he got his mind diverted. He understood that company is a kind of addiction and difficult to leave. So he moved away from this company.

At new location, he found one interesting musical group of students in which every student was good in music, scholar and better person in their life. He joined this group because of interest in music and previous music experience. Whenever group persons got time, they worked on songs. They all respected each other a lot. They composed their own song and George was guitarist of that song.
This new company had an enormous effect on George’s life. He learned many new things which later helped him a lot in his life. His family was also happy with his progress.

Now George is a successful guitarist as well as music director in the group, released many successful albums.

Points to Considers:

1. Environments have a great effect in our lives. Acts silently and we don’t even know that we are being affected. So let us seek for good environments.

2. Some time we should spare some time for ourselves and think from where we are coming and to where we are leading.

3. Either be a part or create good society/environments, so that others can be also part of it.

Thank You

By: Sakun Sharma

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quotes & Lines to Implement in Life

If you decide to be a teacher or a patwari, you will end up becoming just that....

When you have someone,
Even there love will hurt you!
When you love someone,
Even their hurting will be lovable to you.... :)

Don't aim for success if you want it,
Just do what you love and believe in,
and it will become naturally....

Take care of all your memories, for you cannot relive them...
Life is a chain of memories, ENJOY IT!!!

You get exactly what you are FEELING.
So, be clear about what you want....

Start doing what is possible,
then try to do what is necessary
& suddenly you will be doing IMPOSSIBLE.

If you do not succeed in the first attempt,
Call it Version 1.0, and go for revised version....

When dealing with people,
remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic,
but creatures of emotion...

Don't wait for your ship to come in,
Swim out to meet it.....



If you love 'SHOW IT', its better than 'TELLING IT'
If you hate 'TELL IT', its better than 'SHOWING IT'

The real winners are those who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work....

The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, its wen you don't understand yourself....

One best success comes after his greatest disappointments.

"Youth are not Useless
They are used less" -- Swamy Chinmayaananda

He who does not hope to win has already lost....

The toughest challenge is to be urself in the world,
where everyone is trying to make you someone else....

Every Painful Situation is a Gift from God to make You Unique from others..
So face the Pains to become the Best in your Life..!

It is not the load that breaks you down, it is the way you carry it!
--Lou Holtz

Best Line By A Worker In Garage:
I Cant Repair Ur Brakes,So I Made Ur Horns Louder
Every Problem has a alternate Solution.We need to find it

The Big Secret in life is that there is no Big Secret.
Whatever your goal,u can get there if you're willing to Work.

Life is tough,
but I am tougher.

If you can't stand the heat,get out of the Kitchen.
-Harry S.Truman


Don't read success story.
Read only failure story,
Because, failure story you get new idea to win,
from success story you get only message.

Two hands working can accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer.

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Alphabet 'O' stands 4 opportunity,which is absent in yesterday,
available once in t'O'day
&thrice in t'O'm'O'rr'O'w.

It takes sixty-five thousand errors before you are qualified to make a rocket.


Fact of our life:
Whenever we find the key 2 success, Some idiots change the lock..
So,forget the key..
Learn to break d doors...!

If U want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood & don't assign them work, but teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea....

Again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see
that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made.

A youth was questioning
a lonely old man,
Wat is life's heaviest
burden,he asked?
The old man answered sadly,

to have nothing to carry

Danger-if u meet it promptly and face it without flinching & fear, half of it is already reduced..


take a deep breath & try to live the moment....too much wise saying can ruin your life


Manzilen unhi ko milti hain jinke sapno mein jaan hoti,
Pankh se kuch nahi hota, Hoslon se udaan hoti hai.......... :)

There are many more coming soon.... :)

Enjoy, Relate and Implement in life and make it simpler....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


1) Relationships don't end, they change.
2) You CAN make a living doing what you love.
3) Never spend all the money you have. Save money and it saves you.
4) In bad times everyone can't help you and in good times everyone isn't as happy for you. Learn how to discern and develop true friends.
5) Don't make promises to your children you can't keep.
6) God is always listening, be careful with your inner self-talk.
7) People and creditors have long memories.
8) The past has passed, let go of the pain, nostalgia, woulda, coulda, shoulda.
9) Practice everyday saying and/or doing something that is loving, helpful & purposeful.
10) Being too dependent on others doesn't allow you to know your own power to create what you need.
11) I am too blessed to be stressed, don't sweat the small stuff.
12) Most people are not bad or mad, they are just sad and don't know how to get the love and attention they deserve.
13) Everything you say and think has power to create its likeness.
14) Fear and procrastination are major enemies to success.
15) God loves me.
16) Don't ignore or mistreat people, everyone is important.
17) Don't give up 5 minutes before your miracle.
18) Good health is so valuable, fragile and a blessing. Drink a lot of water.
19) Don't take everything so serious, have a sense of humor.
20) People like to help or do business with people they already know, networking is critical. Meet and serve as many people as you can.
21) You didn't die from your mistakes, but you may have to repeat them, if you didn't learn the lesson.
22) We train other people how to treat us, self-esteem is NOT selfish, it's necessary.
23) Stay away from negative, critical, judgmental, gossipy people.
24) Spend as much time as possible around nature and beautiful environments.
25) Sometimes things you can't learn in a book or from a parent, teacher or pastor, you have to experience it for yourself.
26) Acknowledge your shortcomings and work to improve them Acknowledge your strengths, be humble but don't diminish or deny them.
27) Stay focused to get a job done. Either do it, delegate it or dump it.
28) I didn't die from the painful times in my life, they made me stronger.
29) Don't let a fool kiss you. Don't let a kiss fool you. Kisses aren't promises.
30) Have a life, don't depend on others to make you happy and fulfilled.
31) God is too big to fit into one religion, God is everywhere and in everything.
32) Marriage and parenting are serious commitments, don't be in a hurry.
33) Find ways to show appreciation to those you love and care about, not just on holidays or birthdays.
34) Pay attention to details and keep good records.
35) Prayer changes things. Trust God's divine plan.
36) If you take it, return it. If you break it, fix it. If you know it, live it. If you want it, ask for it. If you use it, clean it. If you wear it, hang it up. If made a mistake, take responsibility for it. If you have some share it. If you own it, protect it. If you love someone, show it. If you believe it, you can achieve it.
37) Time is precious, live everyday to it's fullest, everyday is a special occasion.
38) Learn to enjoy your own solitude.
39) People come into your life for a reason or a season. They bring joy and lessons.
40) Always stay in the light in spite of any bad news or changes. This positive attitude will help you stay in peace rather than fall to pieces.

Know yourself...........